Articles, Whitepapers, Resources
Welcome to the Library, a repository of the works authored by Nancy Zurbuchen. Topics include innovation, small business advocacy, technology adoption, business growth, and general business topics. Most are published articles, some are researched white papers, some are op-ed pieces, some are simply writing samples.
Writing Sample: Long Form (Featured Member series for a non-profit)
Writing Sample: Invitation (An Entrepreneur Auction) Schematic View of Business Lifecycles Most business lifecycle diagrams focus only on high-growth models. This one accommodates both high and slow growth models, showing how they intersect. Also added are thought balloons representing typical areas of focus for various stages.
When Innovation and Policy Collide
An Innovation Diffusion Perspective on the Adoption of Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) Certification The focus of this study centers on the persuasion stage and the decision stage as presented in Roger's innovation decision process. The innovation under scrutiny was WBE certification, and the potential adopters were women business owners.
Tech Economy Still Bypassing Women
Capitalizing on the Business Trend of Knowledge Management For non-profit organizations, the concept of capitalizing of on collective knowledge has special potential for increased productivity because non-profits are human-capital intensive. Human capital is the primary source for innovation and regeneration in an organization; therefore, managing the knowledge of a non-profit organization has the potential to yield disproportionately high results.
Technology for the masses is taken for granted, as it has become so pervasive in our lives that we don't even notice it anymore. The telephone, pagers, television, and radios have invaded our personal space. More recently, computers and the Internet have done the same. If it continues, as it most certainly will, some have argued that technology will eventually eliminate alternatives to itself.