Graphic Design that Communicates

Great graphic design enhances the message, and sets the tone of the website, even before the headline and page copy is read. Colorful, playful, formal, understated, powerful – these are visual cues that the user picks up immediately as they interpret the look and feel of a website. But that is not the only function of excellence in graphic design – the user interface should also present the website content so it is easy navigate. In other words, the user can easily find what they are looking for without confusion, which creates a positive user experience.

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Graphic Design Showcase



Videos that Communicate

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No longer considered just for retailers, many B2B companies are waking up to the fact that they can enhance their website user experience by adding video. According to a joint study of B2B marketers conducted by Forrester Research and the Business Marketing Association found that “B2B video marketing ranks as a top tactic for 2014. B2B marketers are turning to video communications as a way to connect with buyers and customers.” Videos are being used to tell the company story, showcase customer testimonials, provide industry content that customers find informative, or provide a walk-through of the company's workplace.

Non-profits have long understood the impact that a well-executed video can have in telling their story. However, in that context non-profits tend to use longer-format videos at their annual convention or fundraiser. Now, non-profits understand that video is an effective communications tool in other ways and are utilizing shorter-format video clips on their websites and in social media. 

Re-purposing existing video into shorter clips made for web delivery is one tactic. Another is to get triple-duty from videos that are shot for one primary purpose and utilized across multiple delivery platforms, for multiple purposes. An example is taking a video of an event and then:

1) posting it on the organization's website for documentation purposes and showing event success; and also
2) shooting live interviews at the same event, and breaking those out into multiple testimonials with links in e-newsletters and social media, as part of a membership drive; and
3) edit the footage into a longer-format montage of other organizational initiatives that communicates the larger mission of the organization, and show it at the organization's exhibit booth or annual meeting.

Great ideas, but remember none of this happens by accident; this scenario is part of a strategic plan for using video to its fullest extent.